Adopt-A-Family — MizzouThon


What is it?

Adopt-A-Family is a program designed to allow organizations to establish a personal connection with MizzouThon by facilitating a year-long relationship with one of our Miracle Families! Greek chapters, residence halls and other organizations are encouraged to participate in our Adopt-A-Family program. All organization sizes are welcome!

Here’s why it’s worth it:

  • Connection with a Miracle Family ALL YEAR

  • Priceless memories

  • Great philanthropic visibility on campus

  • Making a lasting difference in a Miracle Family's life

  • Support of the MizzouThon leadership in other philanthropic events


  • Plan one event for your Miracle Family per semester

  • An agreed percentage of your group registers for the Main Event

  • Communicate where you stand throughout the year, and consistent communication with MizzouThon by use of a liaison.


Please direct questions to our Adopt-A-Family Director, Luke Marx